The Early Accountability Podcast transforms Dreamers into Doers and Visionaries into Victors through goal activation strategies that abandon excuses, jumpstart motivation, and ignite results. Early Accountability Coaching is a specialty focused on helping those who are in the fragile beginning stages of a new endeavor, professional project, lifestyle change, or mindset shift. Visit www.earlyaccountability.com for more information on reaching your goals!

Monday Feb 10, 2020
EAP 107: From Guest to Host - How They Started Their Own Podcast
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi checks in with two of her podcast mentees, Maurice L. Wilson and Justice Wali, to discuss their recent podcast launches. As with many things in life, there is quite a process involved in making a dream into reality, so Kimi has been working with these guys and Tyran Cosby on planning and implementing their podcasts for several months before they were ready to start putting content out to the world. Maurice applies his engineering background to financial problem-solving, breaking down the complex wealth equations that currently exist and simplifying wealth-building so everyone can understand it and start doing it for themselves. He believes that everyone should be equipped with the tools to build wealth and enjoy their lives during their “prime years” rather than spending 30-40 years saving for retirement and then being too worn out once retirement comes to actually enjoy it. When it comes to working on his podcast, Maurice’s biggest hurdle was his confidence in himself, knowing that he had something worth saying and overcoming the barrier of feeling like he was talking to himself when recording episodes. Justice launched his podcast as an extension of his coaching business, aiming to help cultures understand one another better and focus on the similarities between them rather than the differences. Justice has committed his life to coaching others to be intentional with their words and actions while avoiding some of the pitfalls that tripped him up in his earlier years. Justice has found that the hardest part about podcasting is prioritizing it and being committed. Working with Kimi and the other guys in this podcasting “cohort” has provided a great level of accountability for him and he has solidified within himself the idea of being true to himself regardless of what others think. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Paying it forward • Launching a podcast • Starting something new • Being consistent Connect with Maurice L. Wilson: http://thewealthequation.podbean.com/ https://www.wilsonwealth.com/ https://www.instagram.com/thewealthequation/ Connect with Justice Wali: http://urbancoach101.podbean.com/ https://www.instagram.com/justice__wali/ https://www.facebook.com/ForJusticewali/ https://twitter.com/jwali_wali?lang=en https://justicewali.com Connect with Kimi: http://www.kimiwalker.com/ https://web.facebook.com/kimiwalker https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimiwalker https://www.youtube.com/user/KimiFitWell

Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
This episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is a continuation of the 2nd Anniversary celebration. During this episode, Kimi talks about the journey that led her to start her podcast in 2018, starting with a project through her Mastermind group at the time. She was challenged by this group and her mentor Amanda Miller Littlejohn to pursue starting a podcast, and while it has not always been an easy endeavor, two years after that first episode was launched, Kimi is so grateful for that early encouragement and accountability that brought the podcast to light. This journey has solidified in Kimi the desire to pay it forward and pass along whatever knowledge and wisdom she can to others who want to use podcasting as their platform to deliver their message. She has seen time and time again the positive impact that pouring into others can have in all aspects of life, and podcasting is no different. Kimi has talked with many of her previous guests about launching podcasts and her conversations with 3 of those previous guests specifically have led to the creation and launch of their own podcasts in the past few weeks. Rather than just encouraging them to start their own shows, Kimi felt that it was important to step in and lead by example, coaching them in the industry and helping them abandon excuses, jumpstart motivation, and ignite their results. On this episode, Kimi plays clips from the episodes on which these particular guests appeared as well as clips from their new podcast episodes, so be sure to listen in and subscribe to their podcasts as well! Maurice was a guest on EAP episode 21. You can check out his new podcast here: • Wealth Equation: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-wealth-equation/id1492810571 Justice Wali joined Kimi on episode 24 of the podcast. His new show can be found here: • Civilizing the Savage: https://urbancoach101.podbean.com Tyran appeared on Early Accountability Podcast episode 87, and you can listen to his podcast here: • Beard Talk with a Vet: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/beard-talk-with-a-vet/id1492726787 Topics Covered in this Episode: • Launching a podcast • Paying it forward • Listening to the feedback of others • Being committed to your goals Connect with Kimi: http://www.kimiwalker.com/

Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Welcome to the 2-year anniversary episode of the Early Accountability Podcast! Whether you have been listening since the beginning or you just discovered the show, thank you so much for your support and for being here with us! We have had so many great guests over the past 2 years and we look forward to what this next year will bring for the podcast. At this natural time of reflection, Kimi wants to share with listeners the big 4 things that she has learned during the past year of the podcast. She did the same last year at this time, so be sure to check out Episode 53 if you want to hear her insights from Year 1. 1. Sometimes, you will get hurt – It could be acquaintances or even the people who you trust the most, but there will be times when people hurt you. This doesn’t mean you should walk around skeptical of everyone around you or expecting them to do hurtful things, but it is healthy to recognize that it could happen. In this case, do your best to accept the pain and push past it with grace and dignity. You can’t choose how people will treat you, but you can choose how you respond. 2. It’s ok to stand alone – While the first year of the Early Accountability Podcast was mainly filled with guest interviews, this year Kimi really stepped out of her comfort zone and found her voice through solo episodes. In doing this, she feels better equipped to interview guests on the show as well as bring her own message to the podcast on episodes with no guest. This was a great opportunity for Kimi to believe in herself and manifest the greatness within. 3. Consistency is king – While content might get your foot in the door, consistency is what will build an audience. Many people jump into new endeavors like podcasting just to lose steam and eventually give up. This does not have to be the way it goes. Focus on your messaging and getting it out there consistently, removing any excuses by not giving yourself the choice of not putting yourself out there. Consistent actions lead to consistent results, and that is what we all want, right? 4. Pay it forward – Kimi has learned that a great way to further ignite her passion for the show is to sow into others who are also interested in podcasting. She has been coaching 3 of her former podcast guests through the process of launching their own podcasts, which will be introduced on the show next week. She feels a sense of responsibility to pass along what she has learned, which is a great model for many of life’s opportunities. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Reflecting on the past 2 years • Lessons learned • Consistency • Sow into others • Keep moving despite obstacles Connect with Kimi: http://www.kimiwalker.com/ https://web.facebook.com/kimiwalker https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimiwalker https://www.youtube.com/user/KimiFitWell

Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi talks about the importance of having resolutions or goals year-round, not just in January of every year. By the middle of January, it is likely that many people have abandoned their New Year’s Resolutions, often because the lifestyle change required was too significant or abrupt. Making a resolution or goal just for the sake of saying you have one but without any plan for how to carry it out and keep with it is defeating the purpose. Even well-meaning people can be unsuccessful with their goals because of the overwhelming thought of the task in front of them. The best way to get past this obstacle is to be realistic and break the goal down into smaller goals on which you can microfocus until you reach each milestone. January can be a great time of year to reflect back on the ups and downs of the previous year and look forward to what you want to accomplish in the new year. It is a natural time of refreshment and renewal, but there can be other times throughout the year that can accomplish this purpose just as well. Take some time to split your year up into quarters, seasons, months, and even weeks, creating smaller goals over those time periods that will put you on track to reaching your bigger goal at a later date. This can also help to reduce overwhelm because it allows you to evaluate all of your different roles in life and create progress milestones for each one. The best way to stick with a goal is to have a plan and to write that plan down. Then you should either hold yourself accountable to your plan or you should get plugged into an accountability or mentorship group that will help you stay on track! Topics Covered in this Episode: • Keeping momentum for your goals • Having goals year-round • Microfocusing on goals • Being intentional Connect with Kimi: http://www.kimiwalker.com/ https://web.facebook.com/kimiwalker https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimiwalker https://www.youtube.com/user/KimiFitWell

Monday Jan 13, 2020
EAP 103: Planning for 2020's Pitfalls
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Monday Jan 13, 2020
On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi discusses ways to maintain your momentum in working towards your goals, even when you hit unexpected roadblocks along the way. It is often tempting to abandon your goals when you face pitfalls or disappointments, but you don’t have to – here are 3 things to keep in mind to keep your goals on track: 1. Expect adversity – Accept that negative things are going to happen sometimes, and these things are necessary for learning and growth. Struggles build character and strengthen your resolve on your journey to achieving your goals. 2. Find your tribe – Surround yourself with a few people who understand what you are going through and give you their perspectives to help you make better choices. Often, these people have similar goals to you or they have previously walked the road you are currently walking, giving them the needed experience to mentor, coach, or encourage you. 3. Understand your triggers – Rather than being disheartened when you hit a snag or when something happens that changes your trajectory, pay attention to how you react in these times and try to make adjustments. Empower yourself to push forward and make the necessary changes, picking yourself back up and not giving up on your goals. These things can help you be prepared to power forward when something unexpected happens and stay on track with the goals you have set for yourself. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Keeping momentum for your goals • Pushing through adversity • Sustaining your goals • Action paradigm • New year’s resolutions

Monday Jan 06, 2020
EAP 102: A Winning Strategy for the New Year & Beyond
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Our topic on this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is how to approach new goals that you make for yourself in this new year. There could be any number of reasons why people fail to keep their new years resolutions, as Kimi has discussed on previous episodes of the podcast, but rather than focusing on avoiding those “mistakes”, try to focus on these key aspects of effective goals. 1. The Right Pace – Don’t feel the pressure to commit to a lofty goal in January just because other people are talking about their resolutions. It is not reasonable to expect yourself to lose 15 pounds in a month and still maintain all of your other life commitments. If you have a goal for this year, sit down and consider what milestones you will need to reach weekly or monthly to get there. 2. Sustainable – It may very well be possible for you to lose 15 pounds in a month by working out 2 hours per day and eating only vegetables and raw fruits for the entire month, but your body cannot possibly sustain this kind of discipline indefinitely. Try to find a healthy balance between your current lifestyle and what you need to do to accomplish your goal. 3. Realistic – If you have not gone for a run in the past year, it is not likely that you will be able to run a marathon in 6 months in under 3 hours. While it is great to set big goals for yourself to work towards, you are not doing yourself any favors by choosing unrealistic goals and then going through the disappointment of not achieving them. If you want to be able to run a marathon, start with a 5k first. 4. Thoughtful – Set aside time for meditation, reflection, and recharging. Rest is so important for performance and for getting grounded and gaining the necessary clarity to move forward. If you keep pushing yourself to work harder and achieve more without intentionality, you are forcing yourself towards burnout rather than productivity. Topics Covered in this Episode: • New year • Resolutions • Incorporating goals into your life • Fresh start • Setting yourself up for success Connect with Kimi: http://www.kimiwalker.com/ https://web.facebook.com/kimiwalker https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimiwalker https://www.youtube.com/user/KimiFitWell

Monday Dec 30, 2019
EAP 101: Meditate, Initiate, and Create - Manifest Your Dreams in 2020
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
EAP 101: Meditate, Initiate, and Create - Manifest Your Dreams in 2020 by Kimi Walker

Monday Dec 23, 2019
EAP 100: Be Intentional in 2020 - 5 Non-Cliche Resolutions to Implement NOW!
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Monday Dec 23, 2019
As you prepare for the new year to begin and you feel the inevitable pressure to come up with some new year’s resolutions, consider taking your resolutions in a different direction. This episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is all about living intentionally and choosing the activities or experiences you pursue. In fact, Kimi encourages you to prioritize activities or experiences that fall into these categories: 1. Something that makes you feel productive – This is not busy work, but rather a choice to streamline the way you do things. This could mean outsourcing, delegating, eliminating, brainstorming, planning, time blocking, or anything else that will help you get more done in a simpler manner. 2. Something that makes you feel at peace – Oftentimes, when we have just done something that makes us feel productive, we have a sense of relief that can make us feel at peace. But being productive is not always a prerequisite for peace. You can find peace in moments of rest and reflection, doing something that makes the rest of the world fade away if even for a few minutes. This could be going to a Bible study, meditating, exercising, meeting with your accountability group, or just unplugging. 3. Something that you are passionate about – Find something that makes you feel fulfilled and aligned with your purpose. This is likely something that you tangibly enjoy and would do for free – even if you are getting paid to do it. 4. Something that makes you feel scared or uneasy – As we often talk about on the show, doing things that make you feel uncomfortable is essential to your growth, so unless you want to remain exactly as you are from now on, you should commit to doing something that will challenge you. 5. Something that makes you feel encouraged – Get plugged into a group of people who encourage you to be content with what you have, to work hard for what you want, and to be grateful in all circumstances. This kind of accountability and support will help you overcome difficulties and appreciate the joy and goodness that are available to you. As you think through these activities, know that some things can fall into multiple categories, so it is not important to check off each box like just another to-do list, but the goal is to prioritize what is important and what will help you grow in the new year. Topics Covered in this Episode: • New Year’s Resolutions • Starting 2020 with a new perspective • Prioritizing what is important • Choosing what you pursue Connect with Kimi: http://www.kimiwalker.com/ https://web.facebook.com/kimiwalker https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimiwalker https://www.youtube.com/user/KimiFitWell

Monday Dec 16, 2019
EAP 99: Turn Your 2019 Setbacks into a 2020 Success Strategy
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi talks about turning 2019’s setbacks into a success strategy for 2020. Looking back at what happened in 2019 and thinking about the progress you made – or didn’t make – towards your goals is only half of the process. Here are the 5 ways that Kimi recommends you move forward in 2020: 1. State your setbacks – Be honest and transparent with yourself about what got in your way this year, but don’t dwell on these setbacks. Claim the goals you had set for the year but didn’t quite reach because it is important to keep these in mind as you plan for next year. 2. See the value in the experience – Reflect and really try to glean everything you can from the lessons you learned through the ups and downs of 2019. Be thankful for the things that happened and analyze the reasons why, allowing yourself to let certain things go. 3. Step out of your comfort zone – As was discussed in the previous episode of the podcast, it is likely that some of your unmet goals were the result of avoiding change. Next year, be prepared to do things differently and take steps towards where you want to be, even if they are micro-steps. 4. Select your alternatives – Take some time to define what exactly is going to be different, whether it means modifying or intensifying your process, streamlining, or outsourcing. Recognize that the way you have been doing things hasn’t been getting you the results you want, and you do not have to do it all alone. Coaches and accountability groups are a great resource as well. 5. Set small goals – If you have a big goal, it can be intimidating to wake up every morning thinking about how big the goal really is. It is much easier to break down the goal into smaller, shorter-term goals that are much more attainable from day-to-day and week-to-week. Setting smaller goals helps keep your motivation up and makes it easier to be consistent in your pursuit of the small and big goals. Celebrating these smaller milestones along the way builds your momentum on the way to achieving your big goal. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Taking action on lessons learned • Stepping out of your comfort zone • Setting smaller goals to gradually work towards a bigger goal • Deciding how things will be different from now on Connect with Kimi: http://www.kimiwalker.com/ https://web.facebook.com/kimiwalker https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimiwalker https://www.youtube.com/user/KimiFitWell

Monday Dec 09, 2019
EAP 98: 3 Reasons Why You Didn't Reach Your Goals in 2019
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Monday Dec 09, 2019
This is one of the last episodes of the Early Accountability Podcast for 2019, so Kimi wanted to take this opportunity to talk about looking back on this past year, assessing your progress towards your goals, and applying the lessons learned to planning for 2020. From New Year’s Resolutions to short- or long-term goals over this past year, it is likely that you experienced some disappointments due to goals that were not met. Here are Kimi’s top three most likely reasons why you didn’t reach your goals: 1. You didn’t want to be uncomfortable – There is no denying that change is difficult, challenging, and uncomfortable. It is far easier to just keep things as they are and not go through the hassle of adjusting the way you do or approach things in order to make improvements. But in order to grow, you will have to think and act differently. In 2020, keep in mind that it takes 21 days to build a new habit, and encourage yourself that you can be uncomfortable for 21 days if it means that you get to reach the new personal or professional goal that you have been striving for. 2. You lack consistency – Since it takes 21 days to start a new habit – or stop and old one – this takes a time commitment that sometimes means sacrificing the comforts and pleasures of your old life. But if you stick with your goal every day, you will see the results in the end. Stick with the daily grind and persevere even when you don’t feel like it. 3. You don’t want to be held accountable – It is one thing to tell someone about a new goal that you have. It is another thing to have them check in on you to see how you are progressing towards your goal. That type of vulnerability is difficult sometimes, but accountability is a key aspect of learning and growing, taking steps towards those goals you have always made for yourself but never actually believed you could achieve. A great way to start participating in accountability is to set up tracking systems for your milestones and invite an accountability partner or group to help you stay on track. When you feel discouraged, take a look back at your tracking system to see how far you have come and reach out to the people in your life who can affirm your progress. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Reflecting on 2019 • Planning for 2020 • Reasons why you didn’t reach your goals • Applying lessons learned Connect with Kimi: http://www.kimiwalker.com/ https://web.facebook.com/kimiwalker https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimiwalker https://www.youtube.com/user/KimiFitWell