The Early Accountability Podcast transforms Dreamers into Doers and Visionaries into Victors through goal activation strategies that abandon excuses, jumpstart motivation, and ignite results. Early Accountability Coaching is a specialty focused on helping those who are in the fragile beginning stages of a new endeavor, professional project, lifestyle change, or mindset shift. Visit www.earlyaccountability.com for more information on reaching your goals!

Monday Jun 29, 2020
EAP 127: Planning a Social Distancing Staycation
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020
On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi talks about how the continuing COVID-19 quarantine as well as the recent public outcry about racial injustice in the U.S. and many people being without work has created a perfect storm necessitating a time of pausing to reflect, refresh, and restart. While most people are not able to travel to take traditional vacations, Kimi outlines a few specific things you can do to set yourself up for a “staycation” to accomplish just that. 1. Make time for it – Schedule a day or more for your staycation and stick to your commitment. If things come up, treat them as you would if you were truly out of town on vacation. 2. Find a format that works for you – If you are going to camp in your backyard, make sure you have all of your materials ahead of time. Arrange childcare if necessary to give you some focused time to recharge. If you had to cancel a trip this summer, create a theme night or event for yourself featuring the cuisine or activities you would have had on that trip. 3. Unplug – Know your boundaries. If you are not able to unplug 100%, do the best that you can to stay away from social media and the news during your staycation. 4. Come up with games and activities – There are so many things you can do with others and still be socially distant. Check out the links below for some ideas. 5. Stay the course – Stick to your plan and don’t come “back to reality” early. You need dedicated time to reflect, refresh, and then restart. Topics Covered in this Episode: • COVID-19 • Racial injustice • Staycation • Taking a break Some resources for social distancing games: http://realestate.boston.com/news/2020/04/14/neighborhood-games-social-distancing https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/money/quarantine-staycation/ https://www.today.com/shop/15-yard-games-enjoy-outside-while-social-distancing-t178918 Some activities for kids that promote social distancing: https://www.asphaltgreen.org/blog/rep-it-out-games-for-social-distancing https://www.strong4life.com/en/news/keep-kids-active-while-practicing-social-distancing Connect with Kimi: http://www.kimiwalker.com/

Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Dominique Kennedy, a speech language pathologist and communication expert, joins us on this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast. Dominique helps people with their communications differences and needs to strengthen the words they use in the world and strengthen their relationships. She has her own private practice where the assists people who want to increase their communication abilities and she also works with school-aged children to develop their communication skills and strengthen any areas of weakness. At some point in our lives, all of us come to a point where we need to have a difficult conversation with someone for some purpose. Dominique points out that the most effective method of approaching this conversation is to be open to what the other person has to say and to expect a positive result. Think through what you are going to say, how you are going to say it, what your body language will be like, and practice your delivery ahead of time to ensure that your message gets across. In this time of coronavirus, it is especially important to remain connected to those we care about, even if we cannot see them in person the same ways we are used to. Be intentional about how you are really doing and in communicating with children about what is going on and give them space to talk about how they are feeling. Listen to their thoughts and concerns and then use their remarks as a springboard for continuing the conversation. Regarding the other big conversation topic in America right now – racial injustice – Dominique emphasizes mindfulness and sensitivity when communicating with others. Of primary importance is being willing to listen, understand, and learn from those you come in contact with before trying to communicate your message. Being considerate, honoring one another, and respecting the differences among us as Americans is a crucial first step to any kind of ongoing communication and reconciliation. An interesting dynamic that Dominique has noticed is that many businesses are taking public stands against racism, but many of them stopping short of really taking any meaningful action to back up their statements. She recommends that you take a deeper look at what they are saying and what they are doing before continuing to support their businesses. Topics Covered in this Episode: • COVID-19 • Racism • Open communication • Relating with others Connect with Dominique: https://www.dominiquekennedy.com/ https://www.instagram.com/dom.knd/ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=634870705 https://twitter.com/Dominiq64770318%20

Monday Jun 15, 2020
EAP 125: The Fight Against Injustice and Inequality
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
EAP 125: The Fight Against Injustice and Inequality by Kimi Walker

Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Our special guest on this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is Zana Williams. Zana joined Kimi to talk about what has gone on in her life in the past 2 years and the big milestone that she just achieved. When Zana was on the podcast in 2018, she talked about the journey that she had been on to get into law school in the midst of losing her grandmother and her father and she was beginning law school in San Diego. While she was there, she noticed that her mom’s health began declining, so she made the decision to move back home to Oklahoma City to finish school and take care of her mother. Her mother passed away in September of 2019, a few months before Zana was set to graduate law school. Recognizing the immense losses that she had experienced in the past several years, Zana put herself into counseling to help her work through the grief of losing both of her parents, and she had some self-realizations through the process. Zana had been taking care of others for so long that she had lost herself in her duties which caused her to lose touch with herself and her emotions. She was forced to face herself and to reflect on everything she had been through as well as everything she had accomplished. This is not an uncommon journey for caregivers, high-achievers, and leaders. Zana encapsulates her key takeaways from her self-awareness and self-care as: 1. Face yourself and be your own cheerleader 2. Be wholly present in the moment 3. But for a strong support system who showed up for her 4. Allow yourself to feel emotions Now, if you were to walk into Zana’s house, you would see her core values and purpose plastered across her walls. She has written out her goals, commitments, beliefs, and feelings as daily reminders of who she is and where she is going. She is a huge advocate for putting your goals out into the world and joining together with others who are seeking to live out their purposes to hold each other accountable and encourage one another. Zana’s parting thought is: It is ok to be a work in progress. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Early accountability • Law school • Overcoming hardships • Achieving your goals • Grief and loss Connect with Zana: https://www.facebook.com/zana.l.williams

Monday Jun 01, 2020
EAP 123: The Attorney Journey(Part 1)- Law School, Loss, and Leaning on God
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
This episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is the first of a two-part mini-series featuring Zana Williams, a returning guest on the podcast. Zana joined us back on episode 10 to discuss conquering law school in her father’s memory, and on the next episode of this series, we will be catching up with Zana to see what she has been up to the past 2+ years since her last visit. If you haven’t had a chance to listen to Zana’s original interview, you should definitely go check it out, but this episode serves as a summary. Zana knew by the time she was 12 years old without a shadow of a doubt that she wanted to be an attorney. She took a Mock Trial and Debate class in high school that further solidified this desire for her, and the rest is history…not quite. Right around the time Zana was studying for the LSAT, she lost her grandmother and her father and she was in 3 car accidents. She – understandably – didn’t get the score she had hoped for, so she received many denial letters from law schools. She didn’t let this get her down, however, and she refocused her efforts on retaking the test and she received several acceptances this time. In the midst of her educational and professional ups and downs, she was also dealing with her own personal ups and downs, which she has been able to frame with great perspective now. The eulogy that Zana gave at her father’s funeral prompted several of the attendees to tell her how impactful her words were and encourage her to use that clear gift of motivational speaking in a broader context. This was the springboard for Zana to pursue speaking opportunities to discuss grief, loss, and motivation after experiencing hardships. She credits God and her mom with providing her the strength, encouragement, and love she needed to press on despite her pain, and she now passes those gifts on to others. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Early accountability • Law school • Overcoming hardships • Achieving your goals • Grief and loss EAP Episode 10 - Conquering Law School in Her Father’s Memory: https://soundcloud.com/kimiwalker/eap10 EAP Episode 54: The Best of the Best: Favorite Guest Clips From the Past Year (1 Year Celebration Episode): https://soundcloud.com/kimiwalker/eap54

Monday May 25, 2020
EAP 122: The Mental Toll of Perfectionism
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
EAP 122: The Mental Toll of Perfectionism by Kimi Walker

Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
This episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is geared towards high-achievers, leaders, and caretakers in the audience who tend to let their mental health needs go unnoticed. By nature, these people put the needs of others above their own and can often feel that their mental health does not matter. Quite the opposite is true, in fact, and it is important for high-achievers, leaders, and caretakers to recognize their signs or triggers of mental health issues and get the help they need. If you or someone you know falls into this category, here are some helpful steps to take: 1. Get in tune with your feelings – Give yourself the time and space to feel emotions. Once you have done this, you will have the clarity and ability to navigate next steps. 2. Find someone to talk to – This could be an individual therapist, a support group, a mastermind group, or just a friend or group of friends who are in similar life circumstances. 3. Practice mindfulness – Find an activity that helps you get grounded. Examples are: journaling, meditating, exercising, gardening, or anything that will allow you to get in touch with yourself and your higher power. 4. Allow yourself the opportunity to grow – Recognize that you are not where you want to be but accept that you are enough just as you are. Prioritize your mental health and you will open the door for continued growth. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Coronavirus • Mental Health • High achievers • Mental health matters Resources: https://mhanational.org/ Connect with Kimi: http://www.kimiwalker.com/

Monday May 11, 2020
EAP 120: Mindset Shifts: From Petty to Pandemic, Protect Your Energy
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
EAP 120: Mindset Shifts: From Petty to Pandemic, Protect Your Energy by Kimi Walker

Monday May 04, 2020
EAP 119: Mental Health Month - Do You Have the Tools to Thrive?
Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
Our topic on this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is mental health during this quarantine season. As you may know, May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and mental health is a key component to your whole-body wellness. In these difficult and different times, it is all the more important to be conscious of your mental health and reach out if you feel you need help. The Mental Health Association of America specifically recommends keeping these aspects of your life in mind this month: • Connecting with others • Creating healthy routines • Finding the positive after loss • Eliminating toxic influences • Owning your feelings • Supporting others Kimi specifically talks about connecting with and supporting others on this episode as we are all living through big adjustments to the norm. Everyone needs to have community and interaction with others, and even though those interactions might look different during this time, they are still just as important as ever. It is crucial to prioritize these conversations on whatever platform is available to you and keep in touch with others so you are able to pick right back up where you left off once we are able to meet up face-to-face again. Be open and honest with those around you about what you need and how you need to communicate right now. And don’t hesitate to reach out for additional help through the resources below. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Coronavirus • Mental Health • Self-Awareness • Quarantine Self-Care Resources: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Free and confidential support for people in distress, 24/7. National Helpline 1-800-662-HELP (4357) Treatment referral and information, 24/7. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/index.shtml https://www.samhsa.gov https://www.mhanational.org/mental-health-month

Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi is joined by Justin Ochoa, co-owner of Pace Fitness Academy in Indianapolis. Justin was an athlete in high school who discovered his love for coaching during college. A short time later, he was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder which triggered him to start learning about nutrition, strength, and conditioning. This eventually led to him and his business partner, Eric Allen, opening Pace Fitness Academy to coach and train athletes and anyone else who is looking for a top-notch training experience. With gyms across the country being closed, Pace has shifted a lot of their services online, from online training sessions for their paying clients to free resources available to anyone on their website. Justin has noticed that the main challenges for people during this time of coronavirus quarantine are the lack of structure and lack of motivation. Because our routines have been thrown off and we are not able to leave our houses, people are struggling to set aside the time to consistently work out. Justin recommends that you (1) start where you are, (2) use what you have, and (3) do what you can. Your workouts will not look the same as “normal” right now, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t exist at all. He emphasizes the importance of mindset in setting consistent habits and accomplishing goals, reaching deep within yourself to retrieve the motivation to accomplish more than expected. If you are looking for online resources, workout plans, or some extra accountability during this time or in the future, reach out to Justin and Eric at Pace Fitness Academy to see if they might be a good fit for you. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Coronavirus • Staying fit • Challenges of working out at home • Strength and conditioning Links: https://www.pacefitnessacademy.com/covid19/ Connect with Justin: https://www.pacefitnessacademy.com/ https://www.facebook.com/pacefitacademy/ https://instagram.com/pacefitacademy https://twitter.com/pacefitacademy https://www.instagram.com/justinochoa317/ https://twitter.com/justinochoa317 https://www.instagram.com/iamerickallen/ https://twitter.com/iamerickallen CHECK OUT Justing training Kimi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LV33QLcw_10&t=34s