The Early Accountability Podcast transforms Dreamers into Doers and Visionaries into Victors through goal activation strategies that abandon excuses, jumpstart motivation, and ignite results. Early Accountability Coaching is a specialty focused on helping those who are in the fragile beginning stages of a new endeavor, professional project, lifestyle change, or mindset shift. Visit www.earlyaccountability.com for more information on reaching your goals!

Monday Feb 25, 2019
EAP 57: Planning for Self-Care and Success
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Aisha Moore, health educator and founder of Self-Care by Aisha, is our guest on this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, and she had several gems to share with listeners about stress management and erasing chaos in their lives. Aisha’s commitment to helping women recognize the signs of burnout and combatting stress originated from her own experience with burnout several years ago. At that time, she was exhibiting many of the physical signs of overwork and overstress that lead to burnout, but she did not recognize that anything was going on until she had what she later realized was a panic attack. She was able to take some time off of work to focus on her mental and physical wellbeing, and she comprehended that other women were struggling with burnout without their knowledge and they could use her help. Aisha shares that some of the initial signs of burnout are not things that most people would think about: chaos and lack of order in your daily life (things such as losing your car keys or running out of gas in your car) and having a messy living situation (constantly having a mountain of dirty laundry or dishes). If you do not have time to keep these basic life elements organized and taken care of, this is a sign that you have too much on your plate, and more important things are likely falling through the cracks as well. The first steps to getting order back in your life are doing a self-care and energy audit to determine what elements of your daily life are depositing energy and withdrawing energy from you, and what your overall balance looks like. Once you have an accurate picture of how the things you are doing are affecting you, you can take active steps to regain some of your balance by letting go of things that are draining you and picking up more of the activities that fill you up. Many people assume that “self-care” just means getting manicures and massages, but the root of self-care is making yourself a priority and investing in your foundation. Having a handle on your schedule and commitments will help you personally and professionally, solving or reducing the problems that have been piling up. Honestly evaluate how you are doing and only commit to what you have energy to do. Aisha has a lot of resources on her website to help you in this journey towards self-care, including a free self-care plan workbook, and she also provides group and individual coaching, in person and online. Be sure to check out her website for more information. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Self-care • Maintaining your energy bank’s deposits and withdrawals • Avoiding burnout • Warning signs of burnout Free Self-care Template: www.selfcarebyaisha.com/freegift

Monday Feb 18, 2019
EAP 56: Are You Truly Ready to Change Your Behaviors & Bad Habits?
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Monday Feb 18, 2019
The topic of this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is readiness to change, and Kimi outlines the 5 phases in the transtheoretical model or process of change. This change could pertain to your personal or professional life, likely involves something you want to stop or start doing, and is a necessary step in achieving your goals. The 5 phases in the change process are: 1. Pre-contemplation – This is a fancy way of saying that you are not ready for change: you do not see the need, benefits, or the problem that would require change. Even if people around you are telling you that you need to change, you aren’t even considering it. 2. Contemplation – During this phase, you are thinking about the change and processing how it would look in your life. You may ask yourself the questions: “What happens if I do change?” and “What happens if I don’t change?” 3. Preparation – This phase is characterized by the intention to take action in the near future, meaning that you have a timeline, an action plan, and an organizational system in place. 4. Action – Finally, you are implementing the change, actualizing the change that you have thought about and prepared for. 5. Maintenance – The final step in the change process is maintaining sustained action without losing momentum. If you begin to lose some of your fire or slip into a relapse of your previous behaviors, pick yourself back up and refocus on your goals, then consistently act on them. After hearing this episode, as yourself these questions: • Where am I in the process of change? • How can I apply this awareness to my situation? Topics Covered in this Episode: • Readiness to change • The 5 phases of the change process • How to handle relapses • Being self-aware and focused on your goals

Monday Feb 11, 2019
EAP 55: How to Bounce Back From Failed New Year's Resolutions
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Monday Feb 11, 2019
During this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi is checking in with listeners to see how their resolutions and goals are going this year. She provides some vital perspective and tips for getting back on track if things haven’t been working out as you wanted them to. In fact, US News reports that 80% of New Year’s Resolutions fail by the second week of February, so it is likely that one or more of your resolutions have made you part of this statistic. Here are Kimi’s tips for bouncing back if things have not gone as planned: 1. Get grounded – Take a beat to reflect on what has happened recently and practice mindfulness before trying to move forward. 2. Don’t dwell on what is going wrong – Once you have learned from the past, move on from it. You can’t change anything that has already happened, but you can decide what to do next. 3. Look at your “why” – Evaluate your motivations for setting and working towards your goals. Are those goals in alignment with you and your passions? Is this the right goal but the wrong time? Is this the right time but the wrong goal? It is ok to change your mind and reframe your goal, and it is also ok to start your goals during a different time of year. 4. Make adjustments so you can succeed – If you are being prevented from reaching your goals because of a lack of time or resources, change your system to take advantage of productivity hacks and time maximization. 5. Lean in on your support system – Hopefully, you have people in all areas of your life who are holding you accountable. Reach out to them to talk about your struggles and ask them to help you get where you want to go. 6. Look at the long-term – Don’t let yourself get tied up and overwhelmed with the small details leading up to your goal right now. In this moment of renewed focus and determination, pay attention to the end goal. Topics Covered in this Episode: • New Year’s Resolutions • Goal setting and adjustments • Being true to yourself in goal-setting • Mindfulness and reflection • Why resolutions and goals fail

Monday Feb 04, 2019
EAP 54: The Best of the Best: Favorite Guest Clips From the Past Year
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Monday Feb 04, 2019
On Part 2 of the 1-year celebration of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi shares clips from episodes that were particularly impactful to Kimi or her listeners. If you missed any of these guests when they came on the podcast, be sure to go back and listen to glean all of their shared knowledge and experiences! We’ve included time stamps in these show notes for your reference. 1:19 - The first group of impactful podcast guests is “Resolutions 2 Results”: people who specialize in planning, executing, and limiting distractions to help them achieve their goals. • 2:19 - Jenna Faye talked with us about manifesting your dreams, gaining the clarity you need, and taking inspired action. • 3:09 - Amiyrah Martin shared about using time blocking as a way of planning to succeed. • 4:44 - Meico Whitlock described using mindfulness to limit distractions and cut down on technology consumption. • 6:01 - Amber Cabral guided listeners through her process of execution in her tasks and goals. 6:48 – The second set of guests have overcome life’s setbacks, trauma, and grief, and they are using their experiences to encourage others. • 7:27 - Robin Clark demonstrated the power of forgiveness when she publicly forgave the person who raped her, and she has lived her best life ever since. • 9:15 - Vanessa Lemaistre lived through childhood abuse and then lost her young son unexpectedly, but she has overcome her circumstances and chooses to be positive and believe in herself. • 11:09 - Zana Williams lost her father right before she started law school, and she continues to work hard in his memory. • 14:42 - Maya Tyler tragically became a widow at a young age, and now she is intentionally empowering herself and others to be who they want to be. • 17:01 - Kina Fields has gone through depression, anxiety, and addictions along her path to find meaning, and she has found healing and hope through art. She uses her story to remind us that we never know what someone else is going through, and it is best to be empathetic and caring at all times. 22:14 – The third set of podcast guests use their platforms to advocate for justice and inclusivity, making Kimi think of them as the “Social Impact with Swag” group. • 22:56 – India Rias Thompson started a blog with her wife to destigmatize the black LGBT community and combat discrimination. • 25:52 - LaDeia Joyce is HIV positive, but she chooses not to be negative about life. Instead, she encourages everyone to know their status and break down the misconceptions they may have about HIV. 28:02 – One guest has stuck with Kimi as having the “Most Transformative Lifestyle Change” by overcoming his circumstances and using his experience to help others rise above as well. • 28:52 - Justice Wali grew up in the South Side of Chicago and ended up being involved with a gang before he found a way out of his situation and learned the power of shifting your mindset. He now coaches others, including at-risk youth, about the power of their minds and their potential in spite of their circumstances. 33:08 – And finally, Kimi shares her favorite clip of the podcast so far. • Kina Fields, on the topic of how to handle a relapse in your behavior, gave us this gem: “Be kind to yourself.”

Monday Jan 28, 2019
Monday Jan 28, 2019
On this *one year anniversary* episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi reflects on this podcast journey with gratitude for the support and encouragement she has received along the way. The podcast started out as a thought during a meeting with Kimi’s business coach, Amanda Miller Littlejohn, and the idea was shaped with the help of some of Kimi’s colleagues in Amanda’s Mastermind group. Kimi’s biggest initial barrier to overcome was being comfortable with being more visible and being confident in her idea. She found that her niche was interviewing guests on the show and showcasing their stories, which meant that she had to go outside of her comfort zone to pursue guests. She did experience some rejections, but she did not let that stop her from consistently producing content and staying focused on her mission. Kimi also emphasizes the importance of surrounding herself with a team of people who specialize in the different talent areas needed to create and produce the podcast, reaching the goal Kimi set out. It took courage for Kimi to accept help initially and to let people in to her passion project, but this vulnerability and trust has led to something bigger than Kimi could have accomplished on her own. Finally, Kimi has learned to not be afraid to let her light shine and her gifts show. By accepting compliments and criticisms graciously, Kimi has grown through this process, and she looks forward to the future of the podcast. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Reflection on Year One of the Early Accountability Podcast • Importance of surrounding yourself with a team • Benefits of pushing yourself out of your comfort zone • Being confident in your gifts • Asking for help along the way

Monday Jan 21, 2019
EAP 52: The Power of Your Accountability Circle
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Monday Jan 21, 2019
On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi demonstrates the importance of accountability in reaching goals with examples from her own experience. Kimi told herself that she would do everything possible to get fit except for running, but she soon surprised herself by committing to her first half-marathon. For her first race, she started training 3 months ahead of time with the help of a nutritionist and a personal trainer, and she successfully completed her goal. She then decided on her second half-marathon, which she trained for on her own with a less successful result. Her third half-marathon was several years later, and she trained with a group of friends who were all running the same race, which resulted in a successful finish. She ran her fourth half-marathon on a whim without much training and she wore new shoes on the day of the race, which was a huge mistake. She did finish that race, but in addition to her completion medal, she also brought home too many blisters on her tired feet. As you can see from Kimi’s experiences, the races where she had accountability built in were much more fun to train for and run, and they had much better results. It is crucial to develop accountability into your goal-setting and the steps along the way, especially with other people who are on the same path as you. As Proverbs tells us, “iron sharpens iron.” Topics Covered in this Episode: • Accountability to achieve your goals • Half-marathon training • Being inspired and inspiring others • Having clear expectations of accountability Connect with Kimi: http://www.kimiwalker.com/

Monday Jan 14, 2019
EAP 51: 3 (More) Reasons Why You Aren't Reaching Your Goals
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Monday Jan 14, 2019
On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi continues her series on goal activation and the reasons why we fail to reach our goals. During the last episode, Kimi provided 3 reasons why people do not achieve their goals: (1) the wrong reasons, (2) lacking accountability, and (3) avoiding becoming uncomfortable. Kimi’s next 3 reasons are: 1. You are refusing to walk in your purpose. You might know exactly what you should be doing, either because you recognize your God-given talents or others have told you, but you are refusing to do it. Even if it is uncomfortable or unpredictable, you should be using your knowledge and experience to help others who are following in your footsteps. 2. You don’t want to put in the work. It is sometimes easy to plan to do something, but when the rubber meets the road, you just don’t want to commit any time or effort into it. You can’t say that you want to be more financially secure but refuse the notion that you should get a second job. The quality of follow-through is a difficult one to develop, but it will serve you well throughout your personal and professional lives once you commit to it. 3. You don’t want to change your inner circle. As your plans and goals change throughout your life, it will become necessary to surround yourself with new people who are on a similar life journey. This doesn’t mean that you have to completely ditch your longtime friends, but you should take advantage of the benefits that having a diverse inner circle can bring. People who don’t look, sound, or think like you but have similar goals can be very helpful to your growth and development. On the other hand, if you find that some of your friends have goals or values that are contrary to where you want to go, you should have the strength and integrity to distance yourself from them. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Goal activation and the roadblocks that sometimes get in the way • Being true to yourself and your purpose • Diligently putting in the work to reach your goals • Intentionally crafting your inner circle

Monday Jan 07, 2019
EAP 50: 3 Reasons Why You Aren't Reaching Your Goals
Monday Jan 07, 2019
Monday Jan 07, 2019
On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi continues the series on goal activation by discussing the main reasons why people do not reach their goals. Setting goals is important for personal and professional inspiration and motivation and provides the tools needed to overcome adversity. 1. Setting the wrong goals for the wrong reasons. It is critical for you to recognize your “why” and analyze if you have the right motivations in your goal setting. If you set a goal based on pleasing others, fitting in, or having a “social media ideal” life, you will not be personally satisfied or fulfilled, so you should start out by setting goals for the right reasons. 2. Lacking accountability. When you set long-term and short-term goals, you should build in some checkpoints along the way that will allow you to gauge your progress and make any necessary adjustments. A great way to do this is by talking with your goals with a coach, trainer, accountability partner, or group that will check in with you and help you stay on track. Additionally, blocking off time on your calendar to commit to your various goals and assigning deadlines to the items on your to-do lists will create an element of passive accountability and make your goals seem more achievable. 3. You don’t like to be uncomfortable. Good goals will challenge you to get outside your comfort zone, because that is where you can truly grow. The more you step out and choose to be uncomfortable, the more confident you will be and the less you will listen to those around you who intentionally or unintentionally discourage you as you strive towards your goals. Establishing a mindfulness practice such as meditation, exercise, journaling, or spiritual activities will help you keep your emotions in check as you change internally. Topics Covered in this Episode: • The main reasons why people don’t reach their goals • Setting the right goals for the right reasons • Establishing an accountability system • Overcoming discomfort to grow, change, and achieve • Activating your goals

Monday Dec 31, 2018
Monday Dec 31, 2018
The topic of this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is Kimi’s Resolution Into Results 3-step framework for goal activation. Whether you are listening to this episode at the beginning of the new year or some time later, this process is meant to give you a jumpstart on reaching your goals by giving you practical things to consider and steps to take. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Reaching your goals in the new year • Self-awareness can increase your goal activation • Tips for following through on your plans and resolutions • Overcoming obstacles and reaching milestones along the way

Monday Dec 24, 2018
EAP 48: Making Positive Lifestyle Changes with Grace
Monday Dec 24, 2018
Monday Dec 24, 2018
Our guest on this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is Jenna, a physical therapist, integrative health coach, and founder of Eudai Wellness. She started Eudai to help people in the areas of physical, mental, and emotional health as well as nutrition. Many people have issues starting and maintaining good habits, and Jenna works with her clients to establish a profile that encompasses their patterns, routines, likes, and dislikes before coming up with the plan that may be right for them. She employs the “crowding out” method frequently, encouraging clients to increase their intake of healthier foods and drinks without requiring them to stop eating and drinking their guilty pleasures, which usually results in them voluntarily gravitating towards the healthier items before long. For those individuals who are overwhelmed by how far they feel like they have to go, Jenna encourages grace, realizing that habits and routines do not change overnight but your goals can be attainable when you break them down into short-term and long-term goals. This gives her clients the mindset that this is a journey of self-care above all else, and you should give yourself plenty of grace along the way.