The Early Accountability Podcast transforms Dreamers into Doers and Visionaries into Victors through goal activation strategies that abandon excuses, jumpstart motivation, and ignite results. Early Accountability Coaching is a specialty focused on helping those who are in the fragile beginning stages of a new endeavor, professional project, lifestyle change, or mindset shift. Visit www.earlyaccountability.com for more information on reaching your goals!

Monday Jul 15, 2019
Monday Jul 15, 2019
On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi has a very special guest who is wise beyond her years. Harmony is a rising 6th grader who is involved in Girl Scouts, Girls on the Run, running club, soccer, and robotics club in addition to being voted 5th grade Class Mayor and keeping her grades up. In order to become Class Mayor, she had to write and deliver a speech in every class and then be elected by her peers to represent them in venues like Business Town. Her commitment to learning new things and improving herself through all of these extracurricular activities is admirable for someone her age, and she shares with listeners her guiding principles in rocking her goals. • Make the time for what you want to do, but don’t be too upset if you have to miss something sometimes. • Take a break to rejuvenate between activities. • Prioritize the activities that are really important to you and then see what else you can fit in. • When you are nervous about something, put in the effort to practice and do your best. • Pay attention in school and focus on your work. Harmony’s mantra is one we could all integrate into our daily lives: You got this. Focus, try your best, and don’t worry what other people think. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Prioritizing what is important • Having good boundaries • Being confident even when you are nervous • Focusing on school and activities

Monday Jul 08, 2019
EAP 76: Staying on Track When Your Routine Changes
Monday Jul 08, 2019
Monday Jul 08, 2019
Once you accomplish a goal or reach a milestone, it is important to set up a system to keep you from backsliding or getting off track. On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi outlines her 4 key steps based on her recent experiences in the Dominican Republic in a Spanish immersion program. Being back in the States now, it would be easy to revert back to speaking primarily in English, but there are some easy steps she can take to continue pursuing her goal of becoming bilingual. 1. Keep yourself excited about it – Set micro-goals to stay focused or join a team to keep the excitement going. 2. Stay on top of your progress – Have a plan to track what you have done so far, where you may need to improve, and how far you have to go. 3. Put in alternative supports – Come up with a schedule of when you are going to practice or work on your goals. 4. Find other methods of accountability – Grow, maintain, push forward, and accomplish what you say you will. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Staying on track after reaching a goal milestone • Setting up accountability measures • Perseverance and resilience • Tracking your progress

Monday Jul 01, 2019
EAP 75: Turning Limes into Limonade
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
This episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is about the unexpected setbacks that Kimi experienced throughout her trip to the Dominican Republic. Her intention had been to study Spanish at a language school and volunteer with children in the community during her down time. However, due to some miscommunications and a series of unfortunate events, things did not work out as she had planned. She talks with listeners about her strategy for navigating experiences that don’t go as planned and still being able to pursue your original goal. 1. Stay calm – Try not to get too worked up about the situation and choose not to focus on it too much. The more you dwell on what has happened, the less clear-headed you will be. 2. Scope out alternatives – Research other opportunities that fit into your broader goal and timeframe and evaluate them to find the best fit. Reach out to locals or experts in the area for help. Be ok with saying “no” to opportunities that just aren’t the right fit. 3. Act and move forward – Work out the logistics and set up some parameters for what you are going to do or when you are going to make a decision. Be emotionally resilient and keep the bigger perspective on your goals. 4. Be grateful – Recognize that all of these opportunities are blessings and even the hardest situations teach you some vital lessons that can be used later in life. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Pushing past disappointment • Being intentional and strategic • Pursuing your goals despite setbacks • Expressing gratitude through the process

Monday Jun 24, 2019
EAP 74: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway!
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
At the time of recording this Early Accountability Podcast episode, Kimi is studying Spanish in the Dominican Republic. In the weeks and months prior to Kimi’s trip, several tragic events happened to Americans in the Dominican Republic, but she did not let fear stop her from pursuing this goal of becoming bi-lingual. She shares with listeners her tips for feeling fear about something and choosing to do it anyway, with an abundance of caution rather than out of recklessness: 1. Be strategic – Think through who you are going to tell about your plans and when you are going to tell them. When appropriate, use apps or other technology that will allow certain people to keep track of you while still giving you the space you need to work towards your goals. Don’t let the fears of others impact your thought process unnecessarily . 2. Remind yourself of your “why” – Any goal worth pursuing is worth the effort it takes to get there. Recognize the experience-building potential and the new opportunities that will be accessible to you afterwards. 3. Acknowledge the fear – Trace back your apprehensions to their sources and put them into the proper perspective. Get to the place where you can move past that fear and accomplish something bigger. 4. Plan – Having specific plans in place for the logistics and next steps along the way will help you see the broader perspective and keep you moving forward. When you are able to look back on what you have accomplished already, you are better able to be motivated to keep working towards your next goal and not be so overwhelmed. 5. Be grateful – Take a look around you and express gratitude for the opportunity and the growth potential through this experience. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Pushing past fear • Being intentional and strategic • Knowing your “why” • Expressing gratitude through the process Connect with Kimi: http://www.kimiwalker.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimiwalker

Monday Jun 17, 2019
EAP 73: Choosing Your Winners Circle
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
The topic of this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is creating your own “winner’s circle” of people who will encourage and motivate you in your personal and professional endeavors. It has been said that when you look at your friends, you see the future you are headed towards because so much of your potential abides in the company you keep. Some people are tempted to rely too heavily on one person to fulfill their accountability needs, but when you diversify the voices you’re listening to, you will see drastic improvements in your results. Kimi purports that your squad or tribe should have one of each of these types of people, recognizing that one person can fill one or two roles: 1. Mentor – Someone who is where you want to be. You can bounce things off of this person and learn from them. 2. Mentee – Having this person in your circle is an opportunity to teach what you are learning and continue your personal development. 3. Coach – Different than a mentor, a coach is meant to provide strategy and technique for a specific goal or endeavor. 4. Beam of positivity – Someone who can find the good in every situation. 5. Motivator – An amp man or woman who can specifically motivate you to pursue your goals. 6. Voice of reason – This person uses a higher order of thinking to ask specific questions about your plan and goals and helps you bring your ideas back to reality. 7. Accountability partner – Someone who is on the same level as you or walking the same journey. This person is a sounding board and you hold each other accountable through consistent check-ins. This circle should be a give and take because we all need each other, and it is ok if people come and go from your circle. These people should provide balance for your life and propel you forward, motivating you to success. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Building your tribe • Motivation • Encouraging each other • Diversifying the voices you’re listening to

Monday Jun 10, 2019
EAP 72: How to Press Forward in a Storm
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Monday Jun 10, 2019
When you are facing one (or more) of the storms of life, the last thing you usually want to do is press forward. Whether you are going through the loss of a loved one, a financial crisis, unexpected employment changes, broken relationships, or anything else that disrupts your sense of calm, it can be difficult to know how and when to move forward. On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi outlines her 6 things to keep in mind and action items that can help you weather the storm: 1. Allow yourself “yuck days” –Feel the feelings, accept the moment you are in and validate your emotions. 2. Just because you move forward doesn’t mean you completely let go – Especially when you are grieving the loss of a loved one or a significant aspect of your life, it is important to recognize that healing looks different for everyone. Know yourself and your process, and don’t be influenced by what other people think you should do in this moment. 3. Put a stop on it – After you have given yourself the time to feel and start healing, decide on a specific day when you will shift your mindset to focus on pressing forward. The best way to do this is by literally doing something different on that day than you have been doing. Be honest and vulnerable with yourself as you work through the growing pains that come with walking through a storm. 4. Keep a broader perspective – While it is not necessarily helpful when other people tell you that good is going to come of this situation, you do need to keep this in mind. Not only will it help you put things into perspective, but it will give you hope for the future and perhaps the motivation you need to take the next step. 5. Set realistic expectations – Know that some things will take time, so you aren’t doing yourself any favors by expecting to heal or feel better before you’re really there. Be in the present moment by reflecting, stilling your mind, and being calm. 6. Pay it forward – Undoubtedly, at some point in the future, you will come across someone else who is walking through the storm you currently find yourself in. Be there for them and walk alongside them as they struggle with the doubts, feelings, and struggles that you have already faced. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Facing life’s storms • Pressing forward • Perseverance • Accept the moment • Be present and hopeful

Monday Jun 03, 2019
EAP 71: How to Be Productive AND Enjoy Summer
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Monday Jun 03, 2019
With Memorial Day signaling the unofficial start of summer, it can be easy to shift to “vacation mode” and start coming up short on your personal and professional goals. On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi gives listeners 4 strategies for enjoying summer while being productive. 1. Define your work-life balance – Understand your personal, professional, and family roles and goals. Think through your desires and what works best for you and those around you during this season and then define what and when your breaks are going to be. 2. Plan, plan, plan – Consult with the stakeholders in your various roles to make plans and then commit to them. Write them down, set reminders, create alarms on your phone, and use timers when you need to stay on track and hold yourself accountable. 3. Set contingencies for yourself – If you have something coming up that you are looking forward to, come up with productivity milestones along the way where you get to reward yourself with as aspect of the upcoming event. For instance, when you finish this thing on your to-do list, you can book your flight, etc. Not only does this build up the anticipation of the trip, but it helps you spur on your productivity ahead of time, so you can truly enjoy yourself without feeling stressed about the work that you didn’t get done. 4. Intertwine work and fun – When possible, add on a few days of vacation to a work trip or schedule a meeting with a client if you are going to be in their area for vacation. Double-duty trips like this are cost-effective and beneficial because you are able to check a professional box and a personal box at the same time. Get out there and enjoy your summer and use these tips to maximize your time and productivity! Topics Covered in this Episode: • Productivity maximization • Intentional planning • Work-life balance • Time blocking • Self-awareness and motivation

Monday May 27, 2019
EAP 70: Mindset Shifts - You Are What You Eat, Drink, & Think
Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
As we wrap up this mini-series on mindset shifts during this Mental Health Awareness Month, Kimi talks through a topic she is very passionate about: you are what you eat, drink, and think. You have to make intentional and consistent decisions in these areas in order to take full advantage of the resiliency, mental clarity, and focus that help make you the best version of yourself. There are 5 specific categories of your life that Kimi recommends you focus on: 1. Exercising – It is a proven fact that people who exercise at least 2 hours per week have a higher rate of goal achievement because of their increased levels of mental clarity and self-awareness. Exercise does not have to be anything extreme, but just an activity that raises your heart rate: a YouTube workout video, gardening, yoga, and walking all qualify. 2. Eating Healthy – This goes hand-in-hand with exercising to get you moving in the right direction towards a healthy lifestyle. Recognize what works for you and how you need to plan ahead to make sure you are able to get nutrient-rich meals and not have to fall back on fast food in a pinch. Try to abide by the 80/20 rule of making good choices 80% of the time and splurging 20% of the time. Additionally, be conscious of your consumption of substances such as alcohol and tobacco and practice moderation. 3. Getting Enough Sleep – Consistently getting 6-8 hours of sleep every night reduces your risk of health problems and provides vast improvement in your mental clarity, productivity, and the quality of your work. 4. Managing Stress – Know your triggers and proactively set up safeguards to prevent stressful situations from getting to you but accept that you can’t avoid every stressor. Find a mindfulness practice such as meditation, exercising, cutting things out of your life, or unplugging that will help you cope with what is going on that you can’t control. 5. Positive Affirmations – Give yourself something positive to think about every day, whether it is something that you have done, something that you want to do, something that you are proud of, or just something to keep you moving forward and staying positive. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Mindset shifts • Developing a healthy lifestyle • Managing stress • Positive affirmations • Mental clarity and focus

Monday May 20, 2019
EAP 69: Mindset Shifts - The Courage to Let Go
Monday May 20, 2019
Monday May 20, 2019
Having the courage to let go is not an easy thing to do, but sometimes it is exactly what you need to do in order to move forward and start new things. On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi describes the 3 lies that you need to let go of: 1. Lies society has told you – Perhaps it seems like everyone else has it together and has figured out the magic formula for the perfect home life and perfect work life. Maybe you think that your life would be perfect if you could just get married, start a family, land your dream job, or be able to stay home with your kids. To take it a step further, you don’t feel like you are good enough because of the expectations that the world has for people to look a certain way. Try to diffuse your media exposure and look at the lives of others through a different lens, recognizing that they are also human. 2. Lies others have told you – Well-meaning friends and family members have likely said something hurtful to you and it could be holding you back. Recognize that they might not have meant it the way you heard it, and if they did, take it with a grain of salt and speak the truth to yourself. Their fears or desires don’t have to be yours, so use discernment and try to take the genuine and constructive pieces of their comments to heart. 3. Lies you have told yourself – You might find that you have created mental patterns or barriers for yourself that are keeping you from reaching your potential. Take a step back and identify this negativity and instead affirm the truth about the situation to yourself even before you believe it. You put your energy into what is important to you, so focus on making it more positive energy and less negative. Topics Covered in this Episode: • Mindset shifts • Making space for new things • Letting go • Don’t believe the lies

Monday May 13, 2019
EAP 68: Mindset Shifts - The Power of Pause
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
The topic of this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is “the power of pause.” Kimi shares about the impact of taking a mini vacation right before the end of the school year and she provides listeners with her perspective of the 3 benefits of experiencing a mental shift to allow yourself to pause: 1. Prevent burnout and reduce stress – There is a tendency in our society to just keep going at unsustainable speeds and never need to take a breather. This can happen in your home life, your work life, your fitness pursuits, or other areas of your life, but it is crucial to listen to your body when it says you need a break. By stepping away for a few hours or days, you allow yourself to clear your mind and get centered before jumping back in. 2. Increase productivity and mental focus – Give yourself some time to get away from expectations, obligations, and supposed requirements and allow your brain and body to recharge. By abiding by these rest boundaries, you will be able to come back to the “real world” sharper and ready to get back to work. 3. Better relationships – Your relationships with yourself and others will be healthier, happier, more relaxed, and overall refreshed after some time away. When you are centered and rested, this will spill over into the world around you, just like when you are not centered and rested, you tend to blow up on those around you. You might not have the time or resources to go on a vacation, but you know what you could do to press “pause.” Unplug from your phone one day per week, prioritize exercising every day, spend a weekend at a friend’s house, set up a hammock in your backyard and stay there all afternoon. Make the best version of yourself a priority! Topics Covered in this Episode: • Mindset shifts • Preventing burnout • Increasing productivity • Best version of yourself